Inside Jobs Host
Robert BerkeleyCEO, EKCS
As a parent, I often see the struggle people (my children) go through when they ignore the advice of experts (their parents) and decide to figure out how things work (and break) on their own. It’s natural not to want to “be told” and, indeed, there are a lot of “not be tolds” milling about, making decisions on the current world climate! In short, there are those who follow the advice of others and those who follow the beat of their own drum—and Inside Jobs is about all of them.
As a naturally nosey person, I love asking questions. I like to think it means I learn more that way but, in reality, I simply find people’s lives, the decisions they make, and the outcomes they enjoy (and endure) fascinating. That’s why I started this podcast. I couldn’t think of a better way to learn more about the in-house model and get a beat on the motivations and experiences of those leading the charge. I hope you enjoy getting to know them as much as I have. Cheers!


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